Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Looking ahead!

There are times when all I think about is what I have done in the past... but we cannot do that as followers of Jesus. We need to look ahead, to see where God is leading us, to actually follow on the path that we are being led. How awesome is that!

We are studying Images of God with our K-4th Graders. We really do look at God in so many different ways.
Sometimes as a nurturing parent...
sometimes as the rock which we build our lives on...
sometimes as a fire that lights our way...

and other times as the faces we look at day after day. I guess for me, the most important one is the image of God, that we are created to love each other and to share God's love with everyone around us. That isn't always easy...

Some of our 5th and 6th Graders have begun the journey of Confirmation. This is a wonderful time of learning about themselves, their faith and their church. I invite all of you to do the same!

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