Thursday, September 11, 2008

Smile :)

Hey kids, I know that you are busy and that school has started... have you remembered FROG! I bet there are times when you feel like this first guy, and you are on top of the world. Everything is under control, and you know what is going on. remember to fully rely on God even then, and thank God for all of the good things that are going on.
And then there are the times when you feel like this second guy, just barely hanging on. Thinking that no one understands what you are feeling, or going through. God does, and God is right there hanging on with you.
Do not worry, God tells us over and over again, I am there with you through thick and thin!
Hey Mom and dad, help your kids remember that they can always FROG! Give them a huge hug before they go to school, and a special blessing, like the one I left up here last time; that they are beloved Children of God and that God loves them and blesses them, every single day. And do me a favor, remind yourselves every once in a while, because you are all doing a very important job, one that God trusts you to do and that you can FROG when you feel like the cute little guy who is just hanging on. You are a blessing to your children and your love lifts them up in this world.
Have a great week-
Pastor Lori