Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tis the Season

I have been thinking about all of the exciting things that are going on at Stillwater this week. We have the joy of hosting "Step Into Africa" the World Vision AIDS Experience.  What a way to look at Christmas.  I do not think that I could survive the journey of a child, suffering in poverty, affected by AIDS, orphaned, and alone.  For a parent with young children, there are other ways to approach the topic and do something as a family.  
We have Bethlehem Village at the YMCA from 6-8 this Sunday, Dec. 7.  You can walk through an event for whole family and go back in time and experience the wonder of the night Jesus was born.
Our children are the hope of the world.
It is up to us to help and form them into children of God who care about all of God's children.  We have so much, even if you do not feel like it at times.  During this time of buying gifts, and being asked to buy gifts... try to talk to your children about how Jesus came into the world as a gift t =o us, to help us love the world.  Wouldn't it be neat to make part of your family's Christmas tradition, giving to a needy family, or sponsoring a child?  There are so many one time gifts that you can give, or to give regularly as a family, and not fill your house with more "things" that you really don't need.
You can change the hearts of your kids and change the lives of people and children around the world.