Thursday, October 9, 2008

You Can Make A Difference In Many Ways

Light The Night is October 31st from 6:30-8:30
This is a community outreach event and a Fun Halloween Experience for kids up to 6th Grade. We will have a bonfire, hay rides, carnival games and much, much more.
New this year: Trick or Treat for UNICEF or bring in a bag of canned goods for our Food Pantry and receive a special invitation ticket to a SUMC Kid’s Movie Night.
Donations and Servants Needed! If you helped last year and are planning to again this year, please let me know where you like to serve. We need all the help we can get. Look for the display in the lobby at Frederick Pike, or email Lori.
Donations: Individually wrapped candy, graham crackers, marshmallows, Hershey bars, Small NEW trinkets for a prize table or monetary donations for purchase of trinkets, or canned goods for “purchase” of donations at the prize table.

Children’s Ministry Needs YOU!
We are launching new and innovative Sunday Morning and Saturday Night Children’s Programming at all three campuses (and Wednesday KIDSONG is exploding) and while we have plenty of kids, (God is Good!) we still need adult servants. We need our adults to reach out and help in many ways. Substitutes are always needed, if you can only help on occasion. We will be continually recruiting Workshop Teachers, who teach short term lessons in a specialized area, Music and Worship Leaders, Preschool Teachers and especially Nursery Servants. Please prayerfully consider touching the lives of our children, they are our future leaders in the church and need to be nurtured in their faith, and cannot do it for themselves! Besides, you will learn so much as you walk alongside of them!
If you want to learn more or get involved, please contact Lori, or...
Beth Flickinger or Nicole Presley for Stillwater at Frederick Pike
Nancy Anderson for Stillwater on Miller Lane
Cyndi Hunter or Kay Kramer for Stillwater at the YMCA.
Our Children can be our closest and biggest mission field.