Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tis the Season

I have been thinking about all of the exciting things that are going on at Stillwater this week. We have the joy of hosting "Step Into Africa" the World Vision AIDS Experience.  What a way to look at Christmas.  I do not think that I could survive the journey of a child, suffering in poverty, affected by AIDS, orphaned, and alone.  For a parent with young children, there are other ways to approach the topic and do something as a family.  
We have Bethlehem Village at the YMCA from 6-8 this Sunday, Dec. 7.  You can walk through an event for whole family and go back in time and experience the wonder of the night Jesus was born.
Our children are the hope of the world.
It is up to us to help and form them into children of God who care about all of God's children.  We have so much, even if you do not feel like it at times.  During this time of buying gifts, and being asked to buy gifts... try to talk to your children about how Jesus came into the world as a gift t =o us, to help us love the world.  Wouldn't it be neat to make part of your family's Christmas tradition, giving to a needy family, or sponsoring a child?  There are so many one time gifts that you can give, or to give regularly as a family, and not fill your house with more "things" that you really don't need.
You can change the hearts of your kids and change the lives of people and children around the world.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kids Fun Facts

How many of you say thank you when you get something you want? Do you notice when good things happen to you? What are some of the things that make you happy? These are just some of the things we can think about when we look to see God in our lives. I notice the day, and the weather. I think about the things that made me smile throughout the day. I think about the light of Jesus in a world that can feel dark. I think of the awesomeness of God, and wonder, wonder about a lot of stuff. So...

What is the most awesome thing you think God has done in your life? Right now, this week!

I'd love to hear about it.

Ask your mom or dad if it is okay to put your answers on our blog... and write away! Sign with your first name and age... that's all.
(make sure you do not put your full name)

Hey Parents-
Can you answer this question too? How do you feel when you meditate on the thought that God loves you and wants to be a part of your life, right now, this week! How do you share that with the people around you? Think about it, I'd love to hear what you have to say, too!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

You Can Make A Difference In Many Ways

Light The Night is October 31st from 6:30-8:30
This is a community outreach event and a Fun Halloween Experience for kids up to 6th Grade. We will have a bonfire, hay rides, carnival games and much, much more.
New this year: Trick or Treat for UNICEF or bring in a bag of canned goods for our Food Pantry and receive a special invitation ticket to a SUMC Kid’s Movie Night.
Donations and Servants Needed! If you helped last year and are planning to again this year, please let me know where you like to serve. We need all the help we can get. Look for the display in the lobby at Frederick Pike, or email Lori.
Donations: Individually wrapped candy, graham crackers, marshmallows, Hershey bars, Small NEW trinkets for a prize table or monetary donations for purchase of trinkets, or canned goods for “purchase” of donations at the prize table.

Children’s Ministry Needs YOU!
We are launching new and innovative Sunday Morning and Saturday Night Children’s Programming at all three campuses (and Wednesday KIDSONG is exploding) and while we have plenty of kids, (God is Good!) we still need adult servants. We need our adults to reach out and help in many ways. Substitutes are always needed, if you can only help on occasion. We will be continually recruiting Workshop Teachers, who teach short term lessons in a specialized area, Music and Worship Leaders, Preschool Teachers and especially Nursery Servants. Please prayerfully consider touching the lives of our children, they are our future leaders in the church and need to be nurtured in their faith, and cannot do it for themselves! Besides, you will learn so much as you walk alongside of them!
If you want to learn more or get involved, please contact Lori, or...
Beth Flickinger or Nicole Presley for Stillwater at Frederick Pike
Nancy Anderson for Stillwater on Miller Lane
Cyndi Hunter or Kay Kramer for Stillwater at the YMCA.
Our Children can be our closest and biggest mission field.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Smile :)

Hey kids, I know that you are busy and that school has started... have you remembered FROG! I bet there are times when you feel like this first guy, and you are on top of the world. Everything is under control, and you know what is going on. remember to fully rely on God even then, and thank God for all of the good things that are going on.
And then there are the times when you feel like this second guy, just barely hanging on. Thinking that no one understands what you are feeling, or going through. God does, and God is right there hanging on with you.
Do not worry, God tells us over and over again, I am there with you through thick and thin!
Hey Mom and dad, help your kids remember that they can always FROG! Give them a huge hug before they go to school, and a special blessing, like the one I left up here last time; that they are beloved Children of God and that God loves them and blesses them, every single day. And do me a favor, remind yourselves every once in a while, because you are all doing a very important job, one that God trusts you to do and that you can FROG when you feel like the cute little guy who is just hanging on. You are a blessing to your children and your love lifts them up in this world.
Have a great week-
Pastor Lori

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day Blessing

So it is time for the first day of school, and I am sure many of you are feeling a little excited and nervous at the same time. Understandable.

Parent's here is a great thing to do to calm the nerves and to help your children know how much they are loved, by you and by God.:

Take a nice scented lotion or body oil, soon to be called "blessing balm". Hold their hand, look in their eyes and with the blessing balm, make the sign of a cross on their forearm. Say the following:

God loves you.
God cares about you.
God was with you when your heart first started beating.
God knows your name.
God wants you to have a wonderful day at school.
God blesses you.

Try it and then give them a hug. The scent of the blessing balm will stay with them for the day to help them remember that God is with them.


Remember FROG, to Fully Rely On God, and know that we are all praying for you and thinking about you. Have a great day.

How can you share Jesus at school today? If there is someone new in your class, say hi and sit with them. If someone looks shy, be a friend. Give your teacher or one of the workers at school an extra hello, or smile to brighten up their day.

Tell me what you did this week to share Jesus. I can't wait to hear your story. Email it, leave it on my voice mail at work, or tell me in the hallway.

God loves you and so do I!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Listening for God's Sake

There are so many times when I say, "yeah", "uh huh", and "I know" to my kids. Was I really listening to what they had to say to me? Some days, yes, most definitely, but other days, probably not. When we listen for God's sake, we sit down and really try to place God in the center of our conversations, whether they are with our children, our spouses, our co-workers or our parents. When we put God in the middle of our conversation we do something called Holy Listening. Holy Listening lets the person we are in communion with know that they are important to us and precious in God's sight. This kind of listening is a way into the heart and faith life of those we love. This kind of listening helps us to bring God's Kingdom into our houses, our families and our hearts.
How do you do it? Well, when you feel like you are in the midst of needing a serious listen to your loved one, pray first. Pray that God will help to clear your mind of distractions, the dinner can wait, so can the bills and the television show. Pray that God will allow you to hear with your heart. Then listen. Listen to what your loved one has to say to you, listen to what they really need, what they really want and what they are really feeling. You don't have to worry about answers, just reassure them that you hear what it was they had to say to you. If an answer is asked for, let it go until later. Let them try to come up with the answer on their own. You may be amazed how often our loved ones just want to know that they have been heard.

School is just around the corner, and that means, if you haven't had a busy summer already, the busy school year is upon us. Your homework from Pastor Lori: Take time as a family each day, whatever works for you, and pray together. Listen to each other. Read a Scripture verse together. Find a family devotional to share. You will be amazed how much closer you will get when you put God in the middle of your family time.

Don't forget to bring your backpacks to church with you on Aug 16 or 17, for our ANNUAL BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Praise

So, how often do we walk around and say, "It's too hot!" I do almost everyday of the summer. I am definitely more of a fall personality! But the hot sun in the summer is what makes the fall beautiful and more refreshing. But, the hot summer is something we should praise, we should thank God everyday, and that is something I forget. I forget it most easily when my days are not a normal routine, and what should be the lazy days of summer become hectic and rushed. I know I need to slow down, enjoy and take some time to be with God, praising God for all of the joys in my life and the blessings we have in our lives.

We are still celebrating summer with Vacation Bible School next week at Stillwater on Miller Lane, and with our Summer Sunday School Classes.

School is just around the corner though, and as we begin to prepare our hearts, minds and bodies for a new school year, we invite you to bring your backpacks to church with you on the weekend of August 16-17 for our Annual Blessing of the Backpacks. What a great way to begin the year.

We will also begin our new School Year of Sunday School. There are many new opportunities for parents to serve with Children's Ministry and if God is placing on your hearts a call to serve, please let me know, you will be blessed by the children more than you would ever expect!

Look for me in the hall of Stillwater and tell me what your Summer Praise is, I'd love to hear it.
-Pastor Lori

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's Summer!

What a beautiful day today, as I sit here in my office working. There are sounds of singing, dancing, acting, and costuming coming down the hall from the cast and crew of HONK! this summers Stillwater Performing Arts Camp. The performances are next week, Friday and Saturday. I hope you all come.

I sure hope that all of you kids find a camp here at Stillwater, at one of our campuses! Summer just isn't the same without VBS! Sing, and share God's love, bring a friend!

Even though there is no school during the week, we hope you will come and have fun with us on Saturday Evening or Sunday Morning. Our teachers are ready for you and we have some exciting things planned for you. Check back here for updates from our teachers.

Question of the week: What was Noah's Ark made out of? (and you need to be able to tell me more than just "wood") If you know the answer, find me and tell me on Sunday, I'll have a treat for you!